Use "pallium|palliums" in a sentence

1. Electroencephalogram signal is bioelectric behavior from nerve cell in pallium .

2. There are many different opinions concerning the origin of the pallium.

3. No other bishops, even non-metropolitan archbishops or retired metropolitans, are allowed to wear the pallium unless they have special permission.

4. -- Mass, Imposition of the Pallium and Betowel of the Fisherman’s Ring for the Beginning of the Petrine Ministry of the Bishop of Rome, St

5. The ceremonial connected with the preparation of the pallium and its bestowal upon the pope at his coronation, however, suggests some such symbolism.

6. A note then asserts that the original Latin is, quasi stratam palliis fulgentibus adornatam at innumeris Coruscantem lampadibus, which I translate as meaning, like a street adorned with glittering cloaks (or palliums) or rather flashing with unnumbered lamps

7. I greet with fraternal esteem the Portuguese-speaking Metropolitan Archbishops who received the pallium yesterday: Archbishop Mauro Aparecido dos Santos of Cascavel; Archbishop Luís Gonzaga Silva Pepeu of Vitória da Conquista; and Archbishop José Francisco Sanches Alves of Évora.

8. Etymology: Middle English, short for Appallen to become pale --(and) Main Entry: 2pall Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, cloak, mantle, from Old English pæll, from Latin pallium Date: 14th century 2 a : a square of linen usually stiffened with cardboard that is used to cover the chalice b (1) : a heavy cloth draped over a coffin (2) : a